ADHD Treatment
The Right Way

ADHD Treatment Options

Welcome to our guide on the various treatment options available for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Managing ADHD effectively involves a combination of strategies tailored to individual needs. Below, we outline common treatment approaches aimed at helping individuals with ADHD thrive.

Types of ADHD Treatment

Recent research on ADHD treatment suggests that medication should be the first-line treatment for adults. At Done., we offer comprehensive support for only $89 a month, providing patients with the necessary tools to access a personalized online treatment plan. Our program includes monthly 25-minute follow-up sessions featuring individual psychotherapy, a form of talk therapy known to complement medication for enhanced effectiveness in ADHD treatment. All sessions are conducted virtually, offering convenience and accessibility.

ADHD Treatment


  • Stimulant Medications: Stimulants such as methylphenidate and amphetamine-based drugs are often prescribed to manage ADHD symptoms. They work by increasing neurotransmitter levels in the brain, improving focus, attention, and impulse control.
  • Non-Stimulant Medications: Non-stimulant medications like atomoxetine and guanfacine are alternative options for individuals who do not respond well to stimulants or prefer non-stimulant treatments. These medications also help regulate neurotransmitter levels to reduce ADHD symptoms.

Behavioral Therapy

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT helps individuals with ADHD identify negative thought patterns and develop coping strategies to manage symptoms. It focuses on improving executive function skills, organization, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Parenting Skills Training: Parents of children with ADHD can benefit from training programs designed to help them effectively manage their child’s behavior, set clear expectations, and implement positive reinforcement techniques.
  • Social Skills Training: Individuals with ADHD may struggle with social interactions and communication. Social skills training teaches practical strategies for building relationships, interpreting social cues, and resolving conflicts.

Education and Support

  • Psychoeducation: Learning about ADHD and its symptoms is essential for individuals and their families to understand the condition better. Psychoeducation programs provide valuable information about ADHD, treatment options, and strategies for managing symptoms.
  • Support Groups: Joining support groups or online communities can offer emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of belonging to individuals with ADHD and their loved ones. Sharing experiences and learning from others can be empowering and validating.

Lifestyle Modifications

  • Healthy Lifestyle Habits: Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet can help alleviate ADHD symptoms and improve overall well-being.
  • Structured Routines: Establishing structured routines and schedules can help individuals with ADHD stay organized, manage time effectively, and reduce stress.
  • Environmental Modifications: Creating an environment conducive to focus and productivity, such as minimizing distractions and maintaining clutter-free spaces, can support individuals with ADHD in their daily activities.

Seeking professional guidance from healthcare providers, therapists, and educators is crucial for developing a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to individual needs. With the right combination of treatment modalities and support systems, individuals with ADHD can learn to manage their symptoms effectively and lead fulfilling lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get ADHD medication through telehealth?
You cannot get ADHD medications directly through a telehealth platform. The role of the telehealth platform is to act as a gateway to the right medical practitioners that can help perform an official diagnosis and allow for remote interactions that would otherwise not be possible or slow the entire process.
Is there a natural alternative to treating ADHD?
Some people prefer to pursue natural remedies like herbal medicines or behavioral therapy. That can include Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, high-protein, low-sugar foods. Even brain training with different cognitive exercises. Sometimes a combination of options is worth exploring and be sure to consult a medical professional and observe the results over time.
What are common ADHD medication side effects?
Some side effects can include a loss of appetite, headaches, emotional changes, or difficulty falling asleep. Side effects of nonstimulant options vary depending on the medication and the person (speak to a healthcare provider to identify any risks). They are similar to side effects from stimulant medications and can include dry mouth, low appetite, weight loss, headaches, insomnia, irritability, and dizziness.
What are ADHD treatment options?
Before determining the right ADHD treatment option, your provider will ask about your medical history and conduct a physical exam, including hearing and vision screenings. This helps to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms. From there it can be about behavioral therapy or prescribed medications.
What are the different ADHD medication types?
There are two types of medications: stimulant and non-stimulant. The impact of stimulant medications is usually fast (sometimes optimally taking effect in less than an hour), safe, and usually without major complications. Researchers believe that boosting levels of dopamine and norepinephrine results in better connections of messaging between different parts of the brain and the body. With the exception of atomoxetine (Strattera), which will be discussed below, non-stimulant medications have generally been considered second-line medications. They have been used in people who have an incomplete response or no response to stimulants, cannot tolerate stimulants or have certain co-existing psychiatric conditions.

Remember that combining healthy behaviors like minimal screen time, regular physical activity, mindfulness practice, and healthy socialization with friends and family can also help to alleviate the effects of ADHD.

When is it not recommended to take stimulants?
It is best to consult with a medical professional to determine if there are any risks associated with stimulants based on your medical history and profile.