Pharmacy Support

Our Commitment to Helping Members

Regarding patients who are unable to obtain their medications due to the national shortage of ADHD medications, we at Platinum Psychiatry wish to express our sincere regret for the inconvenience this may cause you. While Platinum Psychiatry serves as a platform to facilitate connections between patients and clinicians and does not operate as a pharmacy, we are dedicated to assisting you in securing your prescribed medications to the best of our ability.

Many of our team members are motivated by personal connections to ADHD, whether through family members, friends, or their own experiences with the condition. We understand the significant impact of not receiving essential medication for this potentially life-threatening medical condition.

We are pleased to announce that for any patient experiencing difficulty obtaining prescriptions from their current pharmacy, your dedicated care team will assist you in contacting up to 5 pharmacies to locate one with available stock to fill your prescription. If a suitable pharmacy cannot be found, we will promptly issue a refund of your membership fee.

Furthermore, we strongly encourage you to submit a request to your local medical board and the federal government to address the issue of medication shortages comprehensively.

Your health and well-being are our utmost priority, and we remain committed to supporting you through these challenging circumstances.