Who is Platinum Psychiatry For?

Services We Provide

How it works- tracking progress?


What Can I Expect On My First Day?

Your initial session will involve a private discussion with your therapist or prescribing clinician, focusing on your present situation and the motivations behind seeking assistance. This visit will feature a comprehensive clinical assessment aimed at determining an accurate diagnosis.

Get Started

What are the Costs?

For $89 a month, with no contract, you get your first 60-minute psychiatric evaluation and any follow-up appointments for managing your medication as needed. We’ll work with you to figure out how often you should come in, but usually, you’ll start with at least one visit each month.

Get Started

What Conditions Do You Treat?

Our clinic provides outpatient care for both men and women dealing with conditions such as mood disorders, anxiety, ADHD, and others. We adopt a team-based method to manage mental health challenges.

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What Medical Options Are Available?

Our services cover a broad spectrum of conditions, starting with an in-depth telehealth assessment to pinpoint your symptoms. We then craft customized treatment strategies, oversee your medication, and conduct regular check-ins. Our goal is to collaborate with you to improve your quality of life.

How Do I Change My Medication?

To adjust or change your medication, start by discussing your concerns and experiences with your healthcare provider. They will review your symptoms and treatment response to decide on the best course of action, whether it’s modifying the dosage or switching medications. This process includes careful monitoring and follow-ups to ensure the new regimen effectively manages your condition with minimal side effects.

Learn More About Medications

How do I Reschedule an Appointment?

To reschedule an appointment, simply contact our office directly via phone or email, or use our online booking system if available. We’re here to assist you in finding a new time that suits your schedule.

Visit Booking App


Discover Compassionate Care, Your Path to Emotional Wellness Begins Here

At our clinic, we embrace a compassionate, team-based approach to psychiatry, dedicated to helping you rediscover your true self. Our mission is to assist individuals in restoring their emotional balance and enhancing their overall quality of life. Unfortunately, many suffer in silence, putting off seeking help until their lives and daily routines are significantly disrupted by a crisis. We emphasize prompt action to guide you toward a full recovery from mental health challenges.

You don’t need to endure this alone—contact us, and let’s start your journey to healing together.

Our Commitment to You

At Platinum Psychiatry, your journey towards mental wellness is our top priority. We believe that everyone deserves a compassionate and understanding mental health experience. Our outpatient clinic caters to both adults and children aged 12 and above, specializing in the treatment of mood disorders, anxiety, ADHD, and a range of other mental health challenges.

Our approach to mental health care is distinctive. We stand as a beacon of clarity and exceptional care in an arena often clouded by confusion, stigma, and subpar service. Experience a new standard in mental health services with us, where your needs and well-being are at the heart of everything we do.

One low monthly payment. No contract. No insurance necessary.

Getting Started is Easy


Book Your Appointment

We’ve streamlined the process for simplicity and speed. With just one click, you’ll kickstart your journey toward improved mental well-being. Choose the time and location that suits you best!

Initial Telehealth Assessment

During the initial assessment, we set aside 60 minutes just for you. Our aim is to deeply understand your individual challenges before making any important treatment decisions.

Your Path to Healing

After your initial telehealth assessment, you’ll receive a personalized care plan tailored to your needs and goals. This plan will outline the next steps and strategies to support your journey towards better mental health

Comprehensive Online Mental Health Solutions
  • Easy to Get Started
  • Convenient Scheduling
  • Personalized Treatments
  • Hassle-Free Follow-Ups
  • Safe and Secure
  • Empathetic Staff
  • Holistic Support
  • Comprehensive Care

No Insurance Needed

Get the care you need without breaking the bank. Only $89 a month! No more headaches dealing with insurance companies.

Scheduling Made Easy

Say goodbye to lengthy waits for a doctor’s appointment. Our online calendar makes it simple to schedule your visit anytime.

Customized Care

Every treatment plan is crafted to meet your unique needs, ensuring focused and personalized attention to your symptoms.

Compassionate Staff

Our focus on your condition is guided by empathetic support and understanding, and improving your day-to-day life. 


100% telehealth appointments. Forget about office visits, long wait times, and travel hassles. We connect with you on your schedule and wherever you are!

Safe and Confidential

Experience peace of mind with our HIPAA-compliant telehealth services, ensuring your safety from scheduling to payment.

You are not alone in your journey. It is okay to not be okay sometimes. You have the power to create a brighter future for yourself. You are deserving of love, kindness, and support.


16165 North 83rd Avenue

Suite 200

Peoria, Arizona 853382

Email: office@platinumpsychiatry.com

Fax: (602) 654-1322


About Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Conditions We Treat

What is Mental Illness

About Medications



Bipolar Disorder



Phone or Secured Text:

(602) 730-6422

Our telephone line ensures secure and confidential communication, providing peace of mind for your psychiatry needs.

Your data is safe here. We won’t sell or use your information for marketing. Experience the privacy of our HIPAA-compliant telehealth service, blending convenience with confidentiality for your mental well-being.